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Frequently Asked Questions


Celebration Program

What do I wear?

We suggest wearing cocktail attire. 

How much are tickets to the event?

Tickets to the event cost $300.

Where do I park?

Valet and self-parking will be available.

What is for dinner?

Salad Course
Heirloom Melon and Tomato Salad
burrata cheese, candied olives, basil, arugula, honey dew nage, extra virgin olive oil

Entree Course
Petit Filet Mignon and Grilled Chilean Sea Bass

Lemon Cheesecake
summer berries, mint, chantilly, blackberry gel

A vegetarian option is available. Make sure to tell us your dietary restrictions when you buy your tickets.


Who should I notify regarding any special needs such as dietary restrictions, wheelchair access, etc.?

Please email the events staff at events@vmfh.org.


When does the silent auction open? 

The silent auction opens on August 2 at 7AM.

When does the wine auction open?

The wine auction opens on August 9 at 8AM. 

When do the silent and wine auctions close?

The silent auction closes at 7:10PM on August 9!

How do I set a max bid? 

A max bid or an auto bid allows our auction software to place a bid at the minimum amount needed to be the lead bidder on any given item. When you are outbid, our system will bid automatically for you until your maximum is reached. You will
receive a text message when they have been outbid at your maximum bid amount. Setting a max bid is a great way of competing in the auction without being stuck to your phone. Here are some instructions on how to set a max bid. 


When will I receive my tax receipt?

All tax receipts will be sent out in the mail within two weeks after the event.

Can I make alternate payment arrangements?

Please email our events@vmfh.org with all your details and we will get back to you. Please do not enter account information in the email. If paying by a different card, you can update the card on your profile and checkout (see steps above).

Event Participation

What is the role of a Table Captain?

Table Captains are "community connectors" who are passionate about Virginia Mason Medical Center, and want to get their friends and families involved in strengthening our community by supporting our care teams and our patients.

Your role as a Table Captain is to invite guests to attend the August 9 event, and ask them to join you and others in making a gift to the event at a level that feels comfortable for them. 

Website Assistance

How can I get technical assistance using the site?

Please send a detailed email of what you're trying to do to events@vmfh.org and a Foundation team member will get back to you.

Why are some buttons not working on the site?

The event site does not work well with Internet Explorer. We encourage you to use Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Firefox or Safari to have the best experience while on the site. 

If you need any other help or are still experiencing errors, please email events@vmfh.org